[disclaimer: do not operate heavy machinery while reading]
It began in Oklahoma and ended with the Rockies. Dad and I in McAlester, visiting family. Laughing at Braums. Church building surrounded by pecan trees. A broken picket fence. A strutting peacock. Sitting in a swing under a tree, reading in the Oklahoma breeze, while listening to the army detonate bombs in the distance. Watching NCSI with Uncle Jack while I checked my email. Rachel in San Antonio for a week. Finishing report cards. Getting new tags for my truck. DMV crowded with bleary-eyed people The season finale of Lost. Mom’s new rose plant. Bearded Isaac. Caleb with his iPod. Reading virtually nothing but Orson Scott Card. Working hard on Foglight. Working hard on Real People Productions. Preaching at Castle Rock. Teaching the adult class at Castle Rock VBS. Meeting with Back Story. Teaching the Sunday morning Bible class at NW. Hanging a bed sheet in the basement and trying to run riot. Hailstorm outside Chinese restaurant. Mowing Mom and Dad’s lawn. Woman getting pulled from her car and handcuffed. Work day at the campground. Sunburned. Writing in the backyard. Hyland Garage Sale. Carty’s Parter. Little boy sitting outside Spanish-speaking congregation, singing to himself. Isaac skipping with Mom. Working on the Almond Tree. Working on the Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch CD. Starting a blog. Half of a fish bowl. Getting my piano back home. Picking up Sue and Rachel at the Airport. Teaching Wednesday night Bible class at Brighton. Rachel’s new and improved room. Hans sick. Julie sick. Mom sick. Dad sick. Isaac. Watching Malcolm in the Middle with Isaac, Caleb, and Rachel. Seeing the Happening. Outback for Father’s Day. Mark’s Birthday. Rachel’s Birthday. Caleb’s Birthday. Rachel staying with Holly and Heidi. Finding out Wildlife Center closed and going to Kung Fu Panda instead. Playing at Mom’s piano recital. Descending a rope ladder into a dark passage. Going to the Rockies game with Hans, Caleb, and Rachel. WRITING: “Jeremiad Andante” (short story—Draft #7), “The Jupiter Gambit” (Foglight Murder Mystery—Draft #2), Humongous Among Us (play improved for marketing), “Intrusion” (short story—Draft #1), “Misdirection” (short story—Draft #1), “The Weight of the World” (short story—Draft #1), “Good Old Stan” (play improved for marketing) “Cold Feet” (Foglight Murder Mystery—Draft #1), Senior Play (play—Draft #1), “Church of Christ, Inc.” (Rocky Mountain Christian Editorial) MUSIC: Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch (soundtrack—Doctor Obvious Studios) MOVIES WATCHED: The Happening, The Incredible Hulk, Roman de Gar, Kung Fu Panda, The Secret of Roan Inish, Cloverfield, The Eye, Bella BOOKS READ: Titus Alone, Bumper Crop, Ender’s Game, Gift of the Manti, Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide
Wow. If I typed my month it would be much more cyclical than yours. Sounds like the highlight was the tags for your truck. Two questions: how come we weren't invited to the piano recital and what are all those short stories I haven't heard of?
I haven't played in a piano recital in a long time and I was nervous. The stories are very rough ideas that need a lot of work--really just extended exercises.
That was something. Much more interesting than my month, too. I think it could be interesting to write a story juxtaposing some of your "news" stories. For instance, the little boy singing in front of the Spanish congregation while the lady is being handcuffed by the police.
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